Saturday, December 23, 2006

Interesting!!!! koool things...

10 most often commands used at your linux box..
Run the following command to see which are the 10 most often commands you use at your linux box.
#history | cut -c 8- | cut -f1 -d" " | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n10

If you want to mount NTFS partition, can use this documentation:

If your partition is FAT32, you can mount using vfat adding the line below in /etc/fstab file:
/dev/hda?? /media/windows vfat rw,user,umas=000 auto 0 0

Changing /dev/hda?? by you partition.


Command line history, I/O redirection, and piping
* history [options] - to display the command line history.
* key - to complete a partially typed file/directory name or command.
* <↑> / <↓> keys - to navigate the command history buffer.
* ; - to separate multiple commands on a single line. Ffor example command1 ; command2.
* >,>> - to redirect the output of a command. For example ls -la directoryname > myfile.txt will write the output of the ls command to the file myfile.txt (and not to the screen!) while overwriting any previous contents of the file. If >> is used instead of > the original contents of the file myfile.txt will not be ereased but the output of ls will be appended to it.
* < - to use a specific file as an input to a command. For example cpio [options] < filenamelistfile.txt
* | - to pipe the output of one command to another command. Ffor example ls -al directoryname | less.

koolest cmds...
# ps [options] - to display active proccesses.
# kill [options] processID - to send a signal to a process ("kill" is a misnomer).
# top [options] - to display top CPU processes.
# free [options] - to display information about free and used memory on the system.
# df [options] file(system)name - to get information on filesystem disk space usage.
# du [options]filename - to estimate file space usage.
System statistics:
#cat /proc/loadavg


To run applications in the background..

# nohup commandname [arguments] - to run a command, with a non-tty output, that should continue running after exiting the prompt.
# nice [options] commandname [arguments] - to run a program with modified scheduling priority.
# renice priority [options] - to alter the priority of a running process.
# & - to put a job in the background (for example emacs mytext.txt &).
# bg [jobspec] - to resume the suspended job jobspec in the background as if it had been started with &.
# fg [jobspec] - to put the specified job in the foreground (to make it the current job).

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